Thursday, July 10, 2008

Senator omomma

I know this is a bit outdated but I was really humored when Senator Obama pointed to Senator Clinton and said to his daughters as if encouraging them "This is fabulous, this could be you as well!" Yes, Senator Obama that my friend is exactly the problem. Your daughters may also begin life as beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, ambitious women whose personally life becomes a public mockery and whose proffessional life is undermined by a much less experienced, more charismatic and much hotter guy like yourself! I am an Obama girl but I still prefer the momma-but only because I have no choice but to vote for the man AGAIN!. The whole thing for me just reinforced the fact that maybe we should just stay home and bake the darn cookies. At least then we know we will eat the fruits of our labor. for a cookie and your favorite cocktail Senator Obama (don't worry about momma.) Don't worry about us we can take care of ourselves and everyone else!

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