Sunday, December 9, 2007


TwoHeadedMommy is a freelance designer. In reality this means I fill landfills more efficiently. Basically, I create very colorful and fun packaging for completely meaningless products for faceless retailers. My wish is that a poor , financially desperate mom will purchase a blinking light for a party balloon. My hope is that my whimsicial packaging will engage her and snap up her money before her toddler whacks some sense into her head! I fancy myself the living AntiECO! With earnesty I try to make sure more people, buy more crap and that more gas gets used flying it from Hookchinkapooka to Noplaceville in hopes that I can then buy my kids more disposable diapers. I personally like to lie in bed at night and reflect on how my little tiny destructive self centered actions are a part of the great Cosmic demise of our planet.

1 comment:

SAJ said...

hahahahah! thanks a lot. Now I too will lie awake at night and think about how I am creating meaningless crap to fill landfills.