Sunday, April 13, 2008

Divorce Websites

Recently, the inlaws came visiting...they had some goop that some people we knew maybe splitting up. It got me thinking why stop at wedding websites? Shouldn't people get divorce websites as well? That way you could hop online to...
and personally decide who gets to keep your silver service gift for 8 with matching creamer, air your opinion on who should live with who and for how many days a week and which family members from each side would still be allowed to chat. Contribute to the endless pool of gossip about how it happened and who told you what. Finally, you could offer your completely impartial and totally honest opinion on how much cash should be divvied out to the receiving party. Forget wedding websites-what a complete bore, divorce websites would be much more fun! As long as I am designing the functionality you could also propose hookups! FUN, FUN, FUN! The potential of the web is enormous. Happiness and social connection is only the tip of the iceberg!

1 comment:

crabmommy said...

right on, 2-headed.
as always.