Monday, April 21, 2008

soooo GREEN!

In an effort to be more green, I have been doing the following and hope you will do the same...

I am trying to buy less and steal more.
I cut down my personal vehicle use and instead have been pleasure cruising in my friends Hummer.
In a serious effort to turn out our lights I have purchased more laptops to illuminate our space.

I have been making my very own consumables. I created a toxic chemical preservative lab and have been applying the potions to our homegrown organic garden. My kids love mixing the solutions and then eating them right from our own test kitchen. It has been educational to experiment with expanding the halflife of our very own tomatoes. I have been reusing the excess toxins as cleaning products. Our toilet and my kids skin is literally glowing. It is neat because they no longer need night lights, imagine the electrical savings!

I have been recycling intensely spending at least 3 times as much time as usual going around and around on the electric stationary bike at the gym. As a result I have significantly reduced my weight and I am reusing my cell phone more and more each day as I am stuck on the stationary cycle.

In a truly noble effort to be truly green I am reusing the following. I hope you will follow my valient lead.

Dirty diapers
Soiled toilet paper
Oil that leaks from our cars for cooking

I feel really good about myself, even if I do smell really really bad.

Clearly this is just a start but every little bit counts.
Please add to the list to help encourage others to be more green.

1 comment:

crabmommy said...

brillaint, my friend. I too had my ecomommy moment: should you be so inclined, go here:
