Thursday, January 10, 2008


Always a proud underacheiever...I realize I am a bit tardy for NEW YEARS. Alas, I had great insight. 2008 is going to be the year of hygiene. My personal goal is to shower more then once every two weeks. At first blush this may seem absurd but admit it girls-you know who you are running to the gym, a quick finger trip to the e-mail and it is back to carpool---suddenly days go by and your body has not seen the friggin shower. For me it has gotten so bad I actually have a story in the event I am confronted---Yes, I have not showered. My lack of hygiene is a political statement. I am saving water for the environment. Thanks to me your kids may be able to drink in the future. If you cared about the future you would never bath selfish of you!

I am really hopeful that I can achieve my goal. If not one of my friends joined Shower Watchers- you set a bacteria count goal for your body by specific date and check in weekly under a microscope to see if you gotten down to your personal bacteria goal. She said it has been really supportive and meaningful to be in the company of other moms who continually struggle with consistent Hygiene.

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