Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This freakin happy kid

Shocking Truth! I am a mother to what appears to be one of the happiest little elfs on the block. Granted since he is only 2 so we don't realllllly have any clue what awaits us. Alas this is not boasting as there is no one, including yours truly nuerotic, that can fathom how I birthed this undiscovered, serene, mini incarnation of the Dalai Pajama. Even my closest friends exclaim lil snide remarks ..."How can it possibly be these children are YOURS?" They act as if the ZEN karma of the cosmos have been tossed assunder and that poetic justice has failed when they see myself pure chaos and disorder in the company of lil misters grace and perfection. Finally, yesterday it hit me. The kids are sooo freakin happy because they have a lil brother support group... AGAINST ME!

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